Monday, December 18, 2006


it has been a long time since i posted here. a lot of has happened in my life. The last whole year has been one of the most difficult ones of my life. it has changed me so much that when i read my older blog posts, i cannot recognize them as mine any more.

The situations in life are suppose to make you tougher, but they have taken away some ways my youthful innocence and not sure if made me a more mature person or not. another year comes to end now, i can only hope and pray (yes, i said pray) that it becomes better.

i read a comment from Stallone today, that he feels at 60, he has woken up and realized that he is old and he still has a lot to do and has not done things he wanted. Ok he is a movie star, but even then look at me today, my life is also going past very fast. another year has passed, things are clearer about work but career is still a question, personally it was a tough year and need to build upon relationships.

here in germany i always wonder, people are very lonely and alone. i am also becoming like that. i spent last 2 days in bed not talking to anyone or not doing anything. just surfing and listening to podcasts, daily show with jon stewart, nba and reading blogs. but this has to change...

get serious or keep fooling

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