Friday, July 23, 2004

the creativity of my thought

I have been reading Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" these days, havent finished it yet but love it like anything. I have been able to relate to the characters so much that it has made me look at what i want and why i want. the character of Hank Rearden makes me see myself in a different light altogether...the passion to produce for him, the importance of his work, and the drive to keep going on thru the thick of things is something i have come to admire...
i could see why i am so passionate about my work, why i am not emotional about things, why i want to keep working and creating...he represents me and how i am...not being able to understand what is going on around him...he is recognises that he is missing something...doesnt understand how the world is functioning....i dont know how things with change but till now he has started to see few about the looters wanting to get an appreciation from what they are doing from him...then the category of people who are producers, users and looters....
i love my work...i love my thought..thats what keeps me going that what i want to do...keep my thought going via developing thought and ideas are the mills producing steel and metal for hank...i seek and get a sense of accomplishment making them work and reach greater heights....that what i work for...i hate to see my potential getting waste...i hate to be idle and not working on something...i dont like if i am not able to work and keep creating...
i regard myself as a producer...producer of solutions...pushing myself to create them...i also face the same irony where there isnt people around me who can really regard me or see me like this...they are talk about emotions, vanity, love and respect...i do have that but not for people...
i think thats why i love reading such books because i find characters i dont find in real life...whom i can relate to...acknowledge and share their my life thru them in some ways...but is real life lead like books...
no i guess not, thats what i have to come to terms with...if there are producers there will always be cannot avoid them, but then dont know how to deal with them...i try to deal with them but i dont know if i will achieve what i has to find ways to keep them in their place...minimize the damage...i dont know if i will find answers...lets wait to finish the book...

Thursday, July 15, 2004

been busy

havent been able been able to blog for quite some time...actually the things got quite demotivated and work had to be finished...its tough when u dont feel like doing anything and there quite some work to finish and timelines to meet...

anyways, lets get to the interesting part...i manage to attend SAP Summit in was quite an excellent sales and marketing event..organized very professionally....good to see SAP India puting up such a good show...lots of people attended it...most of the SAP presentations were about selling SAP software, but the most interesting sessions where the customer sessions where they presented their experiences with SAP. They elaborated what were their requirements, why did they chose SAP, how did they go about the implementation, what all they implemented, what all they need to do within the organization to adopt to SAP software, what did they benefit and finally what did they learn.

it was interesting to see them echo something i always believed, businesses need to look at software as an enabler, so they should first be clear on their business objectives and realize that they need to change to adopt to the changing environment. once they do that they can look at software to help them become more versatile, flexible and efficient...but they cant think that buying software would solve all their problems...another interesting aspect was how all of these companies adopted a change management strategies...everyone from private to public sector companies realized the concerns their employees may have and went about in a very employee friendly manner to make them get comfortable with it...success of a software implementation depends a lot on the people who finally are going to use and if they are not convinced about it, company will not benefit. Moreover having policies in place and involvement of senior management only helps to reteriate the commitment of the company towards employees and efficient management....

once back to my real life i had to struggle with pending work...still trying to complete it on time...but still in this i manage to watch an interesting play...some found it ordinary some found it too pseudo...but it made me reflect on one critical aspect...the play was about a guy who is software professional and a girl who is call center they are going about their daily life...what is their life like...both of them have one common thread...the girl's bf is guy's room mate...the set of the play was simple with just a box made as a sitting...they used video screen in the background to providing the settting for the play...

i could really relate to a lot of incidents in the guy's not seeing ur room mate for days...just talking on phone to him even though staying in the same house...innundated with calls from people selling anything and everything...staying up late in office and being alone on the entire floor...these are some of the things made me reflect on my past...something i hardly do these days...getting back to the play...the twist happens when this guy who is link between the 2 dies....both of the come together and meet...then another twist happens when the guy is without work and girl is they have nothing to do and only each other go give company...they never had such free time and hence dont know what to do with it...they get more comfortable with each and fall in love...and thats when the play ends...

offcourse i forgot to mention about profanity used during the entire duration of the play, some of the people found that a little too much saying that they dont know if people spoke like that...but then didnt we use these when we were in college and even when we started working...we seem to think when we are little older and things dont happen a particular way but it may exactly they way people talk would have been interesting to get a perspective from someone younger...

its a simple story nothing great...the guy was good...and girl was good looking but ok...but what was good to for me to see some shades of my past inacted infront of one scene the guy is all alone on the whole floor of his office and screams that he wants to be free....thats is a scene that has been with since i am obsessed with my freedom, may be this is because of my past being like that guy depicted...may be thats where this desire for freedom comes from...offcourse this may not be the only reason...but i know atleast one reason for it...

its quite amazing how work influences our personal thoughts and belief...hence more reason to work in a place where u can enjoy and grow positively...i realised another thing today...its more of a question....

"why is that i measure myself with something i am not doing or i am not able to do and not with things i am doing and i am able to do"

is it true for everyone around me? dont know but one has to stay positive its the only way one could stay happy...