Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Irony of comparing

I found it to be a profound irony that i was feeling let down and left out with respect to people whom i dont or i dont even care.

its an irony that i talk about high impact area, must have area and nice to have area, and then go on to compare or look towards people who are not even concerned where they are and what they are working towards. for them just the fact that they are growing to different levels and being well paid is good enough. i dont know if i have cynical view of the people or have constructed a different reality around myself.

may be its bit of both, have to talk to people and see what they think especially the people whom i think fall into that category. understanding them may be will help me understand myself better. But may be not, how does others think about you had never been the benchmark i was striving towards, then suddenly dont know why i am talking about understanding them. confusion galore @#$@#.

i guess time to just let go of negative emotions and feel good about what one has. offcourse the feeling will be there but being clear of what one seeks is the second step. the first step was when you started thinking. this is a journey, will have its ups and lows, will have its potholes and joyrides, will have its speed brakers and no speed limit zones. Its time to take things with a pinch of salt, and move on.

it is always a beautiful day, no matter what you may think or believe or feel. live with this thought and one would always happy.

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