Sunday, May 25, 2008

touched by apple

got our iMac today!

well i must say, it was a smooth setup (read as connect power cable and press the ON button) and it just worked!!! After having read about Apple and Mac for so long, finally i get to experience it.

I have been born to software in Windows, thats how i learnt it. Of course in my B.Tech it was all UNIX but finally when i started working at SAP its always been Windows. So after 9 years of officially working on windows, i decided to buy a home computer. Of course it had to be Apple and IT HAD TO BE iMAC.

So after waiting for 3 weeks for delivery, it arrived on 23rd May Friday morning. Infact i took my day off, just to get warmed up around it.

I also got printer from canon and backup hard-drive/wireless router Time Capsule. Setting all of them except the printer was smooth and great!

gotta go now...will share my first experiences later.

But something really stuck me as odd.

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